
Parish Council Meeting 6 September 2022

Hopton and Coton Parish Council  



To: Members of Hopton and Coton Parish Council

Dear Councillor

You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Annual Council Meeting of Hopton and Coton Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 6th September 2022 at 7.00pm to be held at

Tixall Villa Hall

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms or a cough/cold, can we please ask that you not attend the meeting in the interests of everyone’s public safety and health

Yours sincerely

Cllr. Spennewyn


  1. Apologies
  2. To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of Parish Council on 10 August 2022
  3. Declarations of Interest
  4. Public Participation – Members of the public are invited to address the Council on any issue over which it has power, to a maximum of 20 minutes
  5. Announcements and Notices
  6. Co-option of new councillors
  7. Reports

7.1 Report from County Councillor
7.2 Report from Borough Councillor
7.3 Report from the Village Hall Management Committee

  1. Appointment of a clerk
  2. Developments
  3. Highways and Rights of Way – To consider any issues relating to Highways and Rights of Way.
  4. HS2 Phase 2A – Meeting update and HS2 in general
  5. Vice-chair report – To approve the monthly Statement of Accounts, Receipts and Payments  – To approve the payments listed on the Statement of Accounts, Receipts, and Payments
  6. VH/Parish Council – distinctions and respective responsibilities.
  7. Correspondence – To consider items of correspondence received during the previous month
  8. Date, Time, and Venue of next meeting

Tixall Village Hall

The Village Hall

Tixall  ST18 0XT


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